09 May 2014

The anti-social media

Below is one of the most insightful videos that I have seen in a long time.
Ironically it attacks the very essence of the medium where you are now reading this.

There is something about social media (blogging included) that bothers me and at the same time draws me to it.
I don't know where the line is, where is OK to "share" something that I find outstanding and where instead it is just mental distraction, noise.
I have developed an aversion to FaceBook but condone blogging.
I often question myself why I do that.

Maybe I have developed an unspoken ethical boundary where I accept knowledge that I can learn from electronically, but despise formats where I am peeking into people's private lives, even if willingly shared publicly (0:08)
What good can I draw from that? is the question I ask myself...
I don't understand the obsession of individuals bent on knowing what their "friends" are doing, all the time.
But then I am guilty of self promotion letting other know what I do and secretly I crave adulation (1:06).
The real tipping point for me however is the constant presence of the mobile phone, where it is clearly out of place used only to "update" the status or news, or letting others knows "I am having a great time".
Why do I need to tell the world where and what I am doing right now, disconnecting myself from the very people that I am having a great time with?
Let it be, be present and save the updating for when I no longer am in good company as good company is created by actually being present and connected with the people around me as nothing says I don't really want to be here as staring at a small screen and furiously typing away.

(2:19) We are a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people...
(4:06) So look up from your phone, shut down those displays, we have a finite existence, a set number of days. Don't waste your life caught in the net as when the end comes nothing is worse than regret...



  1. Thanks for posting this Gnarly. These are entirely my thoughts and feelings in this matter and the video resonates so well with me. I fear though that the cause is already lost.

  2. Very interesting video - many great points here. I only hope we manage to make "new social rules" to balance our real lifes and the internet version of it. I have just been skiing for 5 days in an area with no mobile signal or internet connection. It feels great and I belive I really need such "timeouts". Happyness and friends are not growing on you from behind a touchscreen, but need care and attention.

  3. and here is a little song for those that have fully embraced Social Media: http://youtu.be/itvvFfeLh84?t=58s
    Not sure if I wanted to cry or laugh...


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