13 March 2012

VIDEO: "Pointy both ends"

First and foremost my kayaks are recreational fun vessels.
I have one larger kayak that can swallow a ton of gear and is a bit loose on me (at around 6'1" 240#, that must be one large kayak!) used exclusively for longer trips (a week or more), the other kayaks are intended for having fun: rolling, surfing and playing.
I never speed paddle to reach a destination fast; it just does not interest me.
Therefore I don't really need kayaks that excel in hull speed; I look for maneuverability.
Often I just play with my kayak, going nowhere, and play sometimes involves going backwards.

My kayaks are "pointy" at both ends that at first glance makes you ask the question: which way is forward?
Some call them "elf shoes", some call them "old school" but I am not sure if I could play like this in a ruddered kayak.

sequel video of playing in larger waves coming soon



  1. You really have fun in the sea!! and always cool films!!

    Just a question...

    Do you know of a tripod to attach the kayak that works well when both rolls and paddling in rough seas. So the camera is really secure?

    Do you know if there is someone who sells such things. Here in Norway it is pretty bad with this stuff.

    Jill :)

    1. Jill, there are some commercial products available that work in calm conditions, but some camera angles need a bit of customization. Send me a private email to gnarlydognews@gmail.com and I will give you some ideas.


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