In one of his posts I recognized one of my images.

Unable to find an authorization/bill of sale in my records for that image I contacted the owner of that blog, Michael Bradley of Hatley (Quebec), to find out where he sourced my image.
Michael's reply to me was vague and he could not "recall" the source of the image.
That particular image is displayed on my flickr account.
Michael has conveniently cropped my name and copyright watermark from the bottom of the image, just as somebody else did in a previous case
Further perusal of Ckayaker's blog reveals that Michael seems to be using a lot of images that don't look to be his and I tend to doubt that he has permission to use them.
It puzzles me that somebody who is a teacher, and is happy to have an article of his published by Sea Kayaker magazine, appears to be ignorant of copyright laws.
Maybe Michael thinks that "because it on the net" it's OK to appropriate and in his case modify the image to prevent identifying the rightful owner.
The comment "if you don't want to have your images pinched, don't put them on the net" typically comes from provincially minded individuals that often are jealous of other's achievements.
Those individuals are unable to produce photographic work that is worth pinching.
If a photographer is happy to share his/her work with others usually their images are licensed under the Creative Commons license.
Those images are often free of copyright as long as they are attributed and are not used for commercial applications.
So, next time you want to use somebody else image, contact the owner.
The law only allows the use of images without permission in very specific instances.
PS this post marks a milestone: according to webmetrics, Gnarlydog News has passed the 100.000 hits mark